Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thinking about generations....

My future daughter-in-law's mother - what does that make? - out-laws?  Anyway she got me thinking about genealogy in a new light.  Dani Bettridge my in-law in-law sent pictures of her family, her greater family and her husband's family and what do you know there are names that match up with some in my family.  Are we all cousins of some sort?
My genealogy is buried at the moment because I'm changing stuff in the rooms again.  I really need to find a way to be organized and stay organized.  Anyway back to the generations, I now have a suitcase full of stuff - old letters, some pictures, records, newspaper articles - just stuff from my grandmother's life and I'd really like to do a blog or some website to share it with all the cousins.  Judging by the numbers of kids in some of my families there will be thousands of cousins.  I'm curious to know if we touch with some more cousins in this new definition of family.  Are the Bettridges and Adams connected in more than one way?
We may be related in various ways.  Circles within circles.

Nate and Kelsi posted this picture on Facebook so I'm assuming they don't care if it's in a public forum:

Looking at the Memorial Weekend to be married

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 5 makes today a really good day

Nate called about 15 minutes before Church this morning with great news.  He proposed to Kelsi last night and they are planning to be married soon.
Actually he said April was too soon and July was too far away.  I laughed and I'm happy.
I found Facebook is an exceptionally fast way to get the word around.  Many friends and relatives knew what was going on when they jumped on the internet today!