This is the Wednesday when the missionaries leave the MTC, before the Friday that a whole new 'batch' comes in. I decided to spend the day organizing our papers and cleaning the apartment.
I hauled everything out of one bedroom (how have we collected so much stuff in only few months?) and organized every bit of paper we had so I would know where everything was, including pens, highlighters, scissors and all the books, pamphlets, and many other things that had drifted into that room.
I have been meaning to get organized but I took the time today, because I've been trying for a few weeks now to find my immunization record. I remember bringing it to the MTC and getting a finale immunization but could not find the record of all my immunizations anywhere, it just vanished. I had prayed about it a few times as I looked in my desk, backpack, car, and closet. I kept putting off going through the extra bedroom as it had so much stuff. But I needed to do my part - hence the great organizing spree. No record in any part of the apartment.
When Jeffrey came home he really appreciated the organizing effort because it was mostly his papers and was grateful I took my day off to make our home so tidy and fix supper. He said an interesting thing happened today when he tried to find his phone. It was deep in a pocket of his briefcase, so he took everything out and found it - along with my immunization record.
Miracles abound everywhere.
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