Sunday, May 14, 2017

Joy in the Morning

After a long night with normal aches, pain, and pinches the idea is that sleep is overrated. When I got up and looked out the window, the song I had sung with Lisa Lambert's choir jumped into my mind. "Joy, Joy, Joy. There will be joy in the morning on that day. "

Jeffrey has been reading in 3rd Nephi when the Savior came. Jeffrey doesn't want to miss any of the promises the Lord gave to those people, so he reads the same chapter over and over again. He discusses his ideas with me and I've been thinking about the millennium and what that time will be like. Jeffrey is especially interested in chapters 21-23.
When I asked if I could quote him, he said, 5 "...Search the prophets, for many there be that testify of these things."  6. "....after he (Jesus Christ) had expounded all the scriptures unto them which they had received...", 14 "...when Jesus had expounded all the scriptures in one, which they had written...."
Basically he said a short paragraph wouldn't do it justice, but talking about quite a few scriptures in an hour or hour and a half would.  Sorry guys, I'm the bee skipping around from flower to flower enjoying all the aspects of my mission and not detailing everything.
Just know I feel "big much" thankfulness to the Lord for His tender mercies, answers to prayers, and blessings being showered down on our heads.

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