Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lovely evening at an empty polo field

 We didn't know the season for polo was over and that the ponies and games wouldn't be back until October. We still had a delightful dinner with the Manwarrings and decided we needed to come more often as the food is superb! 

The Manwarring's are from Idaho and they caught us up on their life there just a little bit. When she was small they lived in Briggs during the summer and a little town in Wyoming during the fall and winter. I'll have to ask another time if her father or grandfather was a farmer. I'm pretty sure she said her father taught school.  They are a fun couple to be with.

Sister Manwarring got stroganoff and rice with broccoli

Jeffrey loved his salmon

Elder Manwarring got steak

I had a Caesar salad, spring rolls, and broccoli, everyone felt it was delicious! We brought the left-overs home. The waitress carried our doggie bags out to our car......I am pretty sure she knows how to get the tips. Hope its a living!

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