Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Talented Addy Family

 Last Sunday we had a very enjoyable time with the Addy family. Joseph Addy was our bishop in the North Ridge ward four years ago and he is still the bishop of the North Ridge ward today. 

They came on Sunday afternoon. Sister Arthur who lives in their ward and is Prince's mom makes the meals and Dumevi brings them over. I supply the fruit and banana bread. Sister Arthur's portions are huge, so everyone can bring leftovers home. 

The oldest daughter is very good on her violin and I was surprised to hear she had only been learning for two or three years. She played most of her pieces from memory, then opened the hymn book and played a few more. The boys were drawing while she was playing and I really liked the pictures and ideas they came up with. 

I can't help wondering if more people in Ghana are talented in music than any where else I have been. Music seems to pour out along with color and vibrancy.

It really was great to get back together with them. The oldest son is in boarding school, so he did not come. It is traditional in this area for the children to attend boarding schools in what would be our high school in the US. I am pretty sure this is an English tradition that translates in Ghana. So we missed him, but enjoyed the rest of the family immensely.

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