
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

This is it! We're moving to Africa

 I put a load in the wash so when Jeffrey gets back from teaching Seminary we can pack up our suitcases for the final time (today). Then clean out the foodstuffs from the fridge and re-make the beds for Andrew and Briona who will come in June to stay for about 10 days before they go to the Sibling family reunion in Yosemite. 

Ok --- it is four hours later -- car is parked in a neighbor's driveway, cat food is given out, keys are given for car and home, Jeffrey has had two meetings and doing paperwork, the clean sheets are on the bed, towels are put in the cupboard, dishes (all four of them), cups, etc. are cleaned and waiting, suitcases have been repacked with clean clothes........hope I haven't forgotten to do anything. Rob has looked through the house and said the painters will come do prep work tomorrow morning. And Joy Muhlestein stopped by to give hugs and a picture to Jeffrey. She gave him a half loaf of sourdough bread after Seminary - and it has been delicious pulling off little chunks as I run around the house. 

Goodbye house, goodbye friends, goodbye family. Hello to new adventures and new friends!

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