Friday, August 16, 2024

Interesting Experiences

 Today started out with a fruit stand run for bananas and apples with a couple of fruit salads to give away. Work started on the bathroom while Bobby was cleaning and I warned him some ladies were coming over to do my hair. But they didn't arrive until 4 in the afternoon.  I was supposed to talk with a girl trying to get a visa for school but she put off the appointment until later which ended up 3 and then 5 pm. I went over to the Area Office to drop off things and check to see if the eggs had come - not yet. I did slip over to the church building to give the missionary sisters their ukulele cases. It was a hurry up and wait kind of day.

Finished! The after picture.

The shower in the bathroom turned out nice. It was good they left at 3:30 because at 4 we ended up using that bathroom for the hair work.

Solace and Baaba

So at 4 pm Baaba and Solace came. I realized this was going to be a different experience when Baaba pulled out two boxes of hair dye and Solace said this was the first time she had done Oburoni hair. Ok.

 While my hair had the first application on it, the eggs arrived at the Area Office. I had to tell Sister White I could not get her eggs and then asked Jeffrey to bring ours home. Luckily Elder Manwarring was in the office and could take both White and Manwarring egg flats to their apartment. My appointment for the girl trying to get a visa came just as I was rinsing out the dye. It didn't not work out well and she will come tomorrow. 

All in all an interesting day. I now have what I call African Blonde hair.

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