Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sleep Well

 I talked to a woman who gave up her bed to another ward sister who has four small children. This lady has been sleeping on the floor ever since, and sometimes comes in with stiff shoulders or back. I sat down with her to look online to see what the prices of mattresses were in Ghana and we found they were only a little over 1000 cedis. I sent her the cedis over mobile money. 

She went window shopping at the market. She found the mattress that was shown online was actually a little child's mattress and much too small. So when we got back together she explained how small the bed was. The adult mattresses were a little over twice as much - which only makes sense. I sent her the extra cedis so she wouldn't have to sleep on the floor anymore.  I have to admit my question I never brought up was - where does her husband sleep? They seem to have a pretty solid marriage. Regardless of the family dynamics she is now sleeping on a bed - well a mattress, and is getting a good night's sleep again.

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