Saturday, August 10, 2024

Time and effort versus money

 I was told that coconut was MUCH cheaper to buy and grate up myself. I needed about 2 cups for a double recipe of Morning Glory bread. 

I had to ask the security guard to open my coconuts as I do not have a hammer and the lawns are so well kept, there are no available rocks. He was very nice and chipped away with a segment of iron from a fence top - where he got it I do not know. 

Taking my coconut into the house, I proceeded to break it further open and grate it. It is a thankless job. Lots of grating with small result. 

I decided buying a bag of coconut flakes will be much faster and tons more easier - despite costing more. Right now I am in the mood to hire someone to flake up the rest of my coconuts.

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