Thursday, August 1, 2024



I met Kate Andomakoaa Apeaning for the first time today. Her father is a security guard and I met him when I dropped off a dinner on Sunday night. He wanted me to talk with his daughter who is frustrated with her efforts to get to school in Idaho.

Kate is a return missionary from the Congo. She is currently serving in the MTC as an instructor. She has done a lot of work to go to school at BYU-Idaho. Her first semester is paid, all her records have been turned in and all her applications have been filled out for her visa. But she has run into a problem because the only appointment for a visa is next year! She is supposed to start school in a few weeks. 

I did not have a lot of advice - or none - as I do not know anything about getting a visa. But as we sat here talking for a minute, I remembered that Sister White has helped get visas for some people going to Utah in October.

I called her and put her on speaker phone so we could have a conversation. Wow, was that a miracle! Sister White soon had her with a link to the appropriate expedited section and advice on what to say to questions she may have. It was great! No appointment yet, but a place to start.

We had a prayer before she left and holding her hands I could feel a strong power of her future. Life is good.

If her visa was not enough problem in its self, the missionary couple who signed to be her sponsor have gone home and have different circumstances- so -she is looking for a new sponsor. Her tuition is paid for and she expects to get a job when she gets there. 

If you know of anyone who wouldn't mind sponsoring this wonderful girl - let me know!

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