Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Authentic Ghanaian Experience

 Dumevi offered to take Sue and I to the market and then go to his home and prepare a typical meal, so we could see how it is done in Accra. 

Fun! We went to the oldest fish market in Ghana - Adabraka Fish Market. They have fish from the Volte River and the ocean. Lots and lots of smoked fish in baskets everywhere. Of course all kinds of other fish too. Intermixed in the baskets of hundreds of different kinds of fish are beads, bright vegetables, spices, material, shoes, kitchenware, grains, etc. Dumevi picked up some smoked salmon and got some tomatoes, onions, and little green hot peppers, salt, and then he picked up charcoal to use. Sue and I wound around and through all the people following wherever Dumevi in his white hat went. 

You could smell the fish long before we got to the actual market. It was crowded, bright, and colorful. They sold everything I could imagine - even mattresses. There is a YouTube reporter that you should watch so you can see (sorry you can't smell the market) and see the experience we had. 

Those of you who watch my Marco Polo adventures will see segments on the market and the preparations at Dumevi's home.

Sue stirring cassava flour and maize flour with water and a little salt to make banku.

Pricilla cuts up the onions, tomatoes, and green pepper into little pieces

Dumevi does the hard work of stirring the thickening dough

Sue gives it a shot. Notice there are two rods holding the hot pot that she puts her feet on to stabilize it while she stirs. Eugene is fanning the flames on the other side. 

Sue took her turn at crushing the vegetables with pestle

Eugene and Dumevi finishing up the banku

Sue is reading with the girls out of their anatomy book and explaining where the different parts are in their own body. 

Dumevi forms balls of banku for individual serving.

Pricilla is finishing up the pepper sauce or "stew". Notice how fine she got all the ingredients. She adds a little salt and stirs it up one more time.

Dumevi roasts the smoke salmon over the coals, then Pricilla peeled it off the bones.

Salmon bites, onion, and the pepper stew. Banku balls are in the bowls. To eat, break off a bit of banku, dip it into the stew and catch some fish with it. Put it in your mouth and swallow the banku, fish, and pepper sauce. Pricilla made it at children's strength pepper - Sue and I had burning mouths.

Nice meal with friends

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