Saturday, September 14, 2024

In Awe of Women Here

 I went to the market the other day with three Ghanaian friends. They were very accommodating of my wishes and needs. They also laugh a little about my comments, questions, and the wonder of the things I witness.  

For all of them, it is perfectly normal to see a woman with a baby on her back carrying a load on her head. Sometime even holding the hand of another child or carrying something else in her arms. You see it everywhere! As I watched one particular woman, I wanted to get a photo from the back - as I know people don't like their picture taken by random people. As I tried to get a picture other cars got in the way, then she turned toward me......but Eugene pulled over as she walked down the street until I had my picture. Nice guy to wait and aid in my endeavor to photograph her. Awesome mother.

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