Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Time - relentlessly forward

 The seasons change differently in Accra than Concord, California - but they do change. I noted this morning that the sun has stopped coming up beside the temple spiral and is now coming up almost next to the stake house. The earth has moved or the sun has moved and the assent is just a little different. 

Leaves shed all the time, new flowers come and go regularly, so the changing of the season isn't bold and as noticeable as all the trees changing color and dropping their leaves. Watching leaves bud out, pollen fall, and fruit flowers pop out is something to look forward to in Concord. It happens every few months in Accra with different species.

Since the sun is alway up by 7 am and alway gone by 7 pm, the trees are always green, it is easy to feel time has stopped.

But today I suddenly realized that I have been in Accra for months!

Am I using my time wisely?

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