Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Relief Society Meeting

Early visit

 Comfort came early to my home on Thursday - luckily after I had gotten back from shopping. She brought me a dinner made up - fried rice, black sauce, and fried chicken. I stored it away for Sunday dinner. 

But last Sunday the family didn't come as his younger brother died on Saturday. We will see them again in October. I froze the dinner - but used it on Monday night when I had an unexpected guest who needed dinner. I heated it up and sent it home with Patricia. It is nice to have something in the freezer for the unexpected.

So back to Comfort on Thursday and being early. She asked if I'd like her to make jollof rice - I will NEVER turn down her jollof rice! She made it with the ingredients in my home just like last time. It was delicious and Jeffrey and I appreciated it for a few days.

Comfort - a great cook!

The Relief Society meeting

Erica told us she was bringing her husband when she came to our meeting and I told her that would be great as Jeffrey loved studying with him when he was a missionary three years ago. Brings back memories. 

They sat down together at the table and pulled out their scriptures and books. The ladies sat on the couch with Erica's baby where we talked about who needed what, how to organize information, and what was needed to straighten up the ministering list.

While we were talking Baaba called a lady and said all the Relief Society presidency wanted her to come back to church. It was warm and lovely to watch them include this lady in the ward. When the phone was handed over to me, I had only a few things to say and that I would be glad to see her before handing it back to Baaba. I so much appreciate their efforts to include me in - I just don't know the language.

My contribution was mostly, "way to go", and yes let's include her and "what was the name of the person you wanted to call as the ministering coordinator?" I keep things on track with dates, names, and places, and offer money for food sacks and refreshments. It's the people interactions that I have to fortify.

These are such wonderful giving and compassionate ladies I get to witness in their roles. I am getting to understand why Lucie says she understands about 5% of what goes on around her. That feels about right. Her native tongue is French. She speaks English but doesn't understand all the nuances. I barely understand a word or phrase or two of Twee. Hopefully I'll get better.

After the meeting, Joshua told us how much he loved the banana bread as a missionary. I felt bad not to give him some... until I remembered the frozen bread in the freezer. I gave he and Erica the last two containers. I also pulled out some cream crackers (a lot like soda cracker, but bigger, more dense, and harder). Erica loves them. 

I'm thinking I'll stock a few more on hand. I'm thinking if we invited Comfort's husband over, we could have a dinner before they all go to their other night activities. Erica teaches at the gathering places, Baaba goes to the MTC for orientation and initiation of new missionaries every Thursday night, I'm not sure where Comfort and her husband go. Jeffrey is an early to bed and early to rise kind of guy. Life is good.

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