Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Very Good and Bad Day

 This morning I started out leading a discussion on Elder Dushku's conference address of "Pillars and Rays" (find it here) in our weekly Sister Scripture Study. The discussion turned out very well and we had some sisters share some of their "rays" of light or knowledge given at particular times in their life. One sister said during Covid that she was on a mission and had been trapped in their apartment when word came that her mother died so they had to go back to the States. She wanted to just stay there. She hoped the country would close so she wouldn't have to go back.  In a quiet moment she felt the Lord tell her, "You do not choose your sacrifice." She accepted her challenge and went back when the country opened up two weeks later. Another sister realized that some of the negativity in her life came from herself and not others, so she changed that attitude. It was a good discussion with some really great sharing.

Sister Cindy Powell called me up and asked if I wanted to go shopping at the 'Little Costco', not its real name but they have Kirkland brand stock of goods and also lots of spices. I said yes though I was going to Ukulele practice, she assured me we had time in between. 

There was a hilarious snafu of where our car keys actually were and it turned out they were in my apartment. After Cindy went down the stairs and back up to Jeffrey's office and I had gone down the stairs and then back up to the apartment. By the time I got back down Cindy was at the gate. When I turned a little to pull the gate clicker out of my backpack I missed a step and face planted on the sidewalk. I was so happy to not see a soul when I looked up, though Cindy was half way down the ramp before I stood up. I asked if my nose was bleeding and when she said no, we got in the car and went off to "Little Costco".

Cindy Powell is so very fun to talk to as she drove the truck down the highway. She is a can-do person. I had a great time buying up a bunch of stuff while she bought one item while taking on the phone and showing someone else what was available. 

We had barely started on our way home when we saw a very little beggar boy who looked like he was going to step in front of our truck. Cindy saw the traffic green lights flashing and went through the intersection to immediately get pulled over by a policeman. We didn't quibble that it wasn't red yet.

After a 20 minute chat, we could tell it was a shake down because we were white but what ya Ghana do? It's just Ghana happen. It ended up with a 100 Cedi "lunch" for him and a link to the application for the lottery visa so he can try to go to America. She left him her business card and an invitation for him to tour the Area Office. Who knows how it will all end up?


Shades of anxiety for me and sitting there my knees and hands stiffened up from falling. After getting home and putting away the groceries I was so tired I couldn't think straight and went to sleep for about two hours. I made myself get out of bed and went in to make peanut butter play dough for the kids in the library tomorrow. I don't think I am going to go to the Library tomorrow as I have some other appointments. But we'll see how it goes. 

This time around we do not have young adults offering to bring things up to our apartment, but we do have this handy little chart to bring out to the car and load and then up the elevator and wheel it right into the kitchen to unload.  I don't have to find tip money every week because I can do it myself.

After telling Jeffrey about my good and bad day, he stepped over and gave me a blessing. Peace and joy has filled my heart and life is good.

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