Saturday, June 22, 2024

Coming Back to good things

 The White's invited us to go out to dinner right after work on Friday. We arrived at La Piazza after going through Pinocchio's gelato store.  Not a lot has changed over two years. It is very much the same as when the Despain's would take me with them. Maybe the decor a little bit. 

Jeffrey and I got a salad and a pizza and took home lots of extras that we used for breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Good food shouldn't be missed! Having fun with friends just makes it better. I tried out the mango gelato in a cup as I was full from the pizza and salad. I LOVE mango gelato. Cool and yummy.

Their large pizza's are LARGE

I had a quick memory of Sherri Despain as I watched Sherry White 

Good chat, good food, good company.

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