Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hello and Goodbye from the Area President

 Wendy and Gifford Nielsen took us to dinner as a hello to us and a goodbye for them. We are just getting started here and they will be leaving in a matter of weeks. The dinner started out so very nice when Elder Nielsen relaid the information that Jeffrey has been re-instated as a functioning patriarch to give blessings in the Ghana MTC. There are quite a few missionaries who arrive that have not been given a patriarch blessing for some reason or another, and now Jeffrey has been authorized to give them. 

The Nielsen's are polished, polite, and generous. We enjoyed their company very much. I loved talking to Wendy - not to be confused with Wendy Nelson - she says sometimes they do get confused. I'll bet being three years in Africa helps cut down on the confusion. Anyway, I have gotten to know her a little at ukulele practice, at church and a few times at sister scripture study. I've met Elder Nielsen just a handful of times and found him very congenial. 

Wendy put basaltic vinegar, oil, and parmesan cheese to dip her bread sticks

I found it very yummy!

Elder and Sister Nielsen, with I and Jeffrey

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