Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Juliet is doing well

 I have met with Juliet  each week and we are doing some projects. Well, to be accurate, Juliet is making fruit juices and giving them out to the grounds crew, cleaners, then we will work our way up to the security staff, receptionists and secretaries. We are starting with the people that work very hard but are seldom noticed. She brings me creamy peanut butter that I make into eatable play dough for the children who come to the library. I'll have to get some more for when kids come to visit me. 

 I keep running into Michael who tries to teach me how to speak a local dialect. I found Michael is a good worker, knows his groundskeeping and is a mechanic. I keep seeing him under or in the guts of a car or truck. Though he says he is a groundskeeper. 

Michael is on the right. I'll have to find out the name of the man on the left. In fact I want to know the names of all the men on the grounds crew.

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