Friday, June 28, 2024

Sister Scripture Study - Not to be missed!

 It is very wonderful to sit down with a group of women who all have the same agenda but with completely different life styles. All of us have chosen to be in a foreign land, to serve the Lord for a time, and dedicate time to be of service. We are all older, but in different decades. Each woman has dissimilar concerns and challenges to face. For instance, one woman has no children that are in the church, one woman is serving because her ward members are paying each month for them to be here, and one has serious health concerns. Everyone has insightful comments in our class, and this is a time of incredible epiphanies. I love this hour to hour each week that I do not want to miss. I feel my soul expanding and being edified.

Rebecca Manwaring didn't want me to be left out of the group pictures

When I get with Sister Powell, I am going to update each of these pictures with everyone's name. This is not all the sisters as many are working at the temple, MTC, or their special projects. I am sad that many will be leaving soon. At least five couples will be gone in a few weeks. 

I love the ideas, connections, and testimonies that are given. Life is really good.

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