
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Siblings Ranch Trip 2024

Polly Lore, my sister in law took this picture and sent it to all of us

 "The Ranch" early in the morning.

My dad had so many dreams and ideas for this bit of land. He looked it as a refuge when the last days would come and his children would need shelter. He used to walk around and tell us his dreams of what it would look like.

Several of my brothers have caught the ideas and dreams and interpreted them in different ways. Donald and my brother in law Jeffrey saved the land by buying it from others when dad knew he had to file for bankruptcy. Donald brings supplies up sometimes and helps with the work. David has come with machines (tractors, back hoe, etc.) and ideas and helped in construction. Dean has come with his creative ideas on ways to make everything look good.  Allen and his entire family has taken on the backbone of the upkeep and work to make it a viable place to actually live. They usually host.

Allen's family were the host and instigators of this particular family reunion. He had an idea to have all the siblings together - which is difficult as David lives in Guam and only has occasional leave to the states. We are headed for Accra and will be in Africa for three years. Allen called around months ago and persuaded all the family to come up for this particular week. Everyone always have issues and commitments, so getting twelve siblings together in one place at one time is pretty incredible.

I got to have a chat with each one, Laura was only a few minutes as she had her grands with her, but Donald and I chatted for about two hours on the way up. John  (seldom seen) and I had a chat for an hour or more. It was great to hear David's stories of his mission field work and the fact that he has been called to be a new Bishop in his ward. Diana is always fun and lovely to talk to. I think I talked to Peter, Donna's son more than I talked to her, but it was nice anyway. Steve and Polly always have a cheerful aura and Steve took me on a tour of the little homes that now dot the camp. Allen took me on a four wheeler tour of the nostalgic places I knew as a child. I watched Dean holding and taking care of all the little ones like Laura granddaughters and Sharon's youngest Elizabeth got his attention too. And Susie, well.....I spend most of my time with her.

Susan Eames getting another wild idea

David Lore collecting rocks from the mine for Diana's creations

Donald Lore explaining how the solar and batteries work

Polly and Steven Lore showing the late night goodies. Always cheerful.

Laura Tesch with one of her granddaughters

Allen Lore, it is hard to decide to show him as a tour guide, host, or construction worker. Here he is a tour guide to events in the past.

Allen's wife Marie Lore in her kitchen. Allen and Marie fed us very well

Dean Lore holding Elizabeth Bowman and Peter Estes in front

Donna Montgomery is full of life and deciding what is next in her summer.

Diana Godwin had just had a trip to emergency and came to be with us anyway with happiness and joy.

John Lore has had an exciting and adventurous life. It was good to be with him.

Sharon Bowman, talented and dedicated to helping her daughter live a full life.

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