
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Susy's here again!

Two visits in two months! I go for a wedding and she comes here for work, lucky, lucky me!

And work was the name of the game. After picking her up from the airport we hit a few stores to pick up supplies then dropped off her luggage and headed over to the Nausin's to finish up some Christmas gifts. The Nausin's had been working hard and had them practically all sawed and drilled when we got there.

Dana cut lots and lots of wood into smaller piles of wood and drilled holes too -

So then it was painting and painting. We put the Princess Bride on the computer, pulled the table over and went to work. Laughing, quoting our favorite parts and painting,

Lots and lots of painting,

Till it was all done.

And Susy did "Last Years Snowmen" too! I came home from a date with Jeffrey to find that project all done! It sure is great to have Susy in town. Too bad she actually goes to work tomorrow, we could have fun playing now.

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