
Monday, January 10, 2011

Is this Year Colder than Previous Years?!!!

Waking up to fog and ice encrusted cars, grass, sidewalk and fence is unreal.  I live in California, I put away all the shoveling, scrapping, and bundling up when we moved here.  What is going on?!

I can't really complain because by 10 am all trace of the ice had disappeared, the fog lifted and even if it wasn't a warm day it was very nice.  We have turned our furnace more on this year than I can remember in the past.  Am I just getting old?  Do I feel for Rebekah as she hates the cold?  Or is it really colder than it was?


Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...

It is freezing to me and I just returned from Utah, a week ago Sunday in Park City...-16. I am colder here. Go figure. It is the moisture in the air here that chills us to the bone. That and our Cali houses and wardrobes. Not looking forward to our PG&E bill for sure. Stay warm and cozy up with a blanket and a good book!

Brittany said...

Yes, the Farmer's almanac predicted a colder winter this year and I am pretty sure they are right.