Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Dinner Plans and prep

On the 21st of January, Lucie Kyungu texted me that she wanted to have "a small conversation."  

When I went down to talk to her she told me about a dinner she wanted to have with American food. I told her I was not a caterer or superior chef, but I could make a good home-cooked meal. She said that is what she wanted as her guests would have eaten at many restaurants and would be happy with familiar home cooking.  She said there would be sixteen people -- which is not daunting to me. At the last as I was leaving, she mentioned that Elder Christoffersen and the Presiding Bishop and others would be there. Ah, no pressure or anything. I immediately called Laura Nausin.

Anyway it turns out there were actually more guests, the date changed and another missionary, Sister Kelly Sackley (who has been on five missions) and has cooked for general authorities often, was asked to help out also. I told Kelly my conversation with Lucie and Kelly put together three different menus for the Area Presidency wives to pick from. They choose roast beef, roast chicken, potatoes, hot veggies, green salad, fruit salad, rolls, and desserts. 

On the way to an appointment, Sister Sackley called and we divvied up the menu. I got the easier part. Chicken, green salad, fruit salad, rolls, and banana cream pie (because I had told Lucie about it and how the bananas here in Ghana are so flavorful). Kelly made chocolate cake and Bednar Bites - something she made with graham crackers and toppings one time that Elder Bednar liked. 

Meanwhile, I was making some of the recipes for salads that Laura had sent over. Just for fun, and because I had them, not that I was going to use them.  Delicious!!   I was also trolling the internet for a good roast chicken recipe that would tenderize free-range chickens. I found it here.

Potato salad that Laura served at Matthew's wedding
  • 8 sm to med potatoes
  • Eggs boiled to desired hardness
  • Olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar 
  • Kosher salt
  • Dill
  • 2 cups (or more) mayo
  • 1/2 onion (can increase but hard to remove if too much)
  • 1-2 tsp dill
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard
  • shake paprika optional

Boil potatoes till fork tender. Place in ice water once cool remove skins and cube. Splash with olive oil, vinegar, kosher salt and dill. Toss to coat.

In Cuisinart or blender add may, onion, more dill (as desired), mustard powder, paprika and blend.  Pour over potatoes and combine. Taste test for flavor and consistency.  Make a bit soupier to allow for absorption. Once you are happy, add eggs, toss and set aside. Keep extra mayonnaise on hand in case it is needed before serving.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Heart full of blessings

 Briona looked so happy.......alert, cheerful....not exhausted. That was a big prayer answered - that she would be alright and all would go well with the birth. The baby was cuddled in her arms and Andrew looked so peaceful. He introduced us to his son on the phone chat.

Wyatt Jeffrey Adams was born in the afternoon and was 8 pounds and 20.5 inches long. I am doubly glad the birth went so well. Andrew said it was one push. Wow! Thankful for all the blessings from God.

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Boys for a Visit

 Brother  William Lamptey came on Sunday with his three boys, Daniel, Dallin, and Dean. I was reminded of the high energy that boys together can bring. Jeffrey and Brother Lamptey had an ongoing discussion for about an hour and a half. I ended up running around with the boys. 

I brought out toys when they first got to our home. Dean picked up a blue car that he never let go of - even at the dinner table. Dallin could hardly eat as his dad put the toys on the low lying center table and he kept sliding over to pick up the cars and his dad would call him back. They weren't really eating so when I was done and got up they ran to the toys and started running around. I brought out a game but it didn't catch on, I brought out paper and colored pencils but that was too tame. 

Luckily for me, Jeffrey rescued our lighthouse. If that one broke  -  I would have been sad. I rescued a few other pieces and didn't allow the boys into the back rooms. I told them that was my living space. I resorted to timing the boys as they ran up and down the back stairs. Surprisingly Daniel could run up and down four flights of stairs in one minute 54 seconds. Each time his speed was faster. After they had been here for two hours, Jeffrey thanked them for coming and I suggested Brother Lamptey take his boys to the playground before they went home. It was a good visit and I hope Brother Lamptey got the enlightenment he was looking for. I thought maybe his wife didn't come because she needed a break from the boys. 

Dean was not going to leave his blue car, and the other two wanted to take home cars if he was going to. I said no problem, I am a Nona and that was fine.  Dallin wanted everything (he got two) and Daniel picked his favorite. 

Daniel, William Lamptey, and Dean

Daniel, Dean looking up at his dad, and Dallin who just wanted the last of the cars behind him.

Baby Boy Adams!

 It is so exciting! Briona and Andrew are at the hospital waiting for their new son to arrive.......

Blessing from Heaven and lots of prayers are ascending.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Shumway's are Here!

 Last Sunday night, February 2, the Shumway's came to Accra. What a delightful couple. They took the Amsterdam route and so they had a long layover to get to Accra. They were cheerful and nice.

The wonderful thing that has happened is the Manwaring's have been training Elder Shumway before he even got here. He just stepped right up and went to work. The Manwaring's gave up their apartment because it is a long term rental and decided to live in another short term apartment for two and a bit weeks so the Shumway's wouldn't have to make two moves. Now that is nice!

So glad the Shumway's are here!


Welcome to Acca

Kipp is at the door to show them their apartment. The security guards are so helpful to load up the cart with their luggage. They are being taken care of.

Talisman Restaurant

 Getting off the bus after a little over two hour drive, my body's parts were stiff. I did not want to go anywhere. But I knew it was cause talk and attention if I bowed out for the night. Did I tell you about my slide to the ground the first day we took the bus? Then there was the hiking around on rocky ground, getting a sunburn, riding in a bus over all the potholes and just plain driving. My knee didn't want to bend, my shoulders felt like lead and my neck didn't want to hold my head up.

So I took a quick hot shower and manned up. The restaurant was of course, first class. Beautiful, full of flavor and very appealing. I love being in OGC where everything is done first class. We had a private room so Elder Dushku could give us a message.

It was a lovely evening and it is always good to hear from a 70 who is an especial witness of Jesus Christ. Life is good. I made it with God's grace.

I love this picture above the Channing's heads

Isn't this cute? Nice way to warm a table

Look it is friends from Clayton Valley 1!

The Adams and Allen's back together again - at least for a minute

The drive home was so much fun. Lots of tired people who knew their time together is short.

A peek at the Nairobi Temple on the Way home

 Marie made sure we went past the Nairobi temple that is just about completed. It is interesting that it is located so close to the biggest slum in all of Kenya. Not in it but a short distance away. I love the billboard of Jesus Christ and the lamb - as he is the Lamb of God.

Took a U turn in the highway and came back the other way

Naivasha Sopa Resort

 Thursday was supposed to start early so we could travel across the Great Riff to a resort on a big lake. The bus was as least an hour and a half late, so plans had to be changed to accommodate. 

We learned about the great rift that is going on in the African continent. All the way up to the Middle East down through Israel and through the African continent there is a rift that is getting deeper and wider - very quickly in scientific terms (millions of years versus thousands). So when we were on one side we looked way across the valley to the other side. I have a hazy picture. Here is a link if you want education. 

I only saw a big valley. I'll probably need to go to YouTube and watch some drone show what it is.

Lots of time on the bus talking and chatting. Snacks were sent around. I decided I liked the banana chips though they had spices on them. The chocolate was very good. Did you know that the chocolate that comes out of Belgium starts in plantations in Africa? They refine it then market it and  send it out as Belgium chocolate. Makes me wonder where the slabs of chocolate from Trader Joe's comes from.

I was fascinated watching all the little farms that were everywhere! Even going up the mountain.

After a LONG drive 

We got to the Naivasha Sopa Resort where we immediately saw zebra up close and personal, water bucks, and a monkey. They were setting up for a wedding and the whole place was really beautiful and nice. We were told that the giraffes were not far away........after walking in the heat over rocks and through the brush in a 2 mile circle we found them not far from the main lodge. Too bad we didn't start out on the road for our circle. It was so nice to see them up close foraging on leaves that were in trees with LONG thorns. I brushed up one or two small ones and did not like the scratches on my pants and ankles. So how do the giraffes stick their tongue around the leaves and not get poked? The guide told us they were very sweet leaf treat for the giraffes.

I am too old to be walking through the bush....

Watching the giraffes was worth it.

Water Buck

Water Buck and giraffes

This little one was so cute to watch. He couldn't be very old.

Out on the Lake

Instead of getting off on a famous island to see the animals there, we elected to ride a boat out in a big circle to see the birds and hippos. We had run out of time because of our late start. They have an eagle that looks like our bald eagle and egrets that look like the ones in California. The starlings looked like nubs on the tree until we got close and they all scattered. I kept watching the water but our guide said there were no crocodiles. Just hippos. And cormorants, and other birds.

The lake is closer than it was three years ago

Due to heavy rains the lake has risen and killed off the trees that were once on the shore. A walkway has been built to get over the swamp. Plants grow looking deceptively solid, but I watched a man wade through that "solid" mass of plants.

Not solid ground, plants over the shallow water

Twelve Ladies

Wildlife on the lake

Late lunch, LONG drive home 

We came back from our boat ride and had a late but tasty lunch and then drove back over the same long road it took to get to the Resort. A missionary called and put our dinner reservations back 45 minutes.
Door to the rest room at the restuarant - look at that detail!

Ok, I had about 50 shots out the window, but I doubt you want to see even half of what I put up:)