
Friday, May 15, 2020

A moment to bond together

Sometime..... a couple of weeks ago, my siblings got together in a zoom chat. My heart lifted to actually see and hear all of my brothers and sisters and I was anxious to find out how they all were doing.

Lines going into Winco
Not so surprising everyone was doing well, hanging in there, smiles and laughter all around. I noted that we all told the resolutions and good parts of our stories. Which is a good thing when you are a thousand miles away and couldn't do much about it anyway. That little bit of bonding did a great deal of good for me and makes me feel connected to a great whole.

I thought about the smiles and good wishes quite a bit for the next week. I know for a fact that one sister is taking care of a child with complications from open-heart surgery, another had an illness, one is coping with the stress of death because of her work, one had a child just out of the emergency room, and some brothers who have had some serious issues with their families. Of course, I didn't bring up any of the mental health, work, or health issues going on in my family either.  We are all coping and part of that is putting on a happy face with our family.

Since Donald told me that he actually reads this blog, I want to say, "Hi", and hope you and all of yours are doing well. It was exciting to see that you are growing in numbers and I'm curious about how the wedding will take place. With so much uncertainty about ceremonies and groups getting together, I'm looking forward to how your families will celebrate!

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