
Friday, November 4, 2022

Fever Bright

It was an interesting morning.  I came down at 9 to watch Isla while Julia studies for her last two classes until she gets her degree. She is under pressure even though she is an online student because if she doesn't get all of her work in by the 23rd, she will have to wait until April to graduate. That means she'll have to pay more to turn her work in later. The kids in class rooms in Provo, have until December, but the online students have to be at the connivence of the professors - who probably want to mitigate how much work they will have in December.

I made granola, muffins, and chocolate cookies - all without gluten for Julia's sake. Isla was puttering around helping out once in awhile doing her thing -- then whoooweee!  She had diarrhea that smelled up the house. It was a note of warning sign.

Makynlee's school called and said she had a fever and to come pick her up. Julia stopped her studies to pick her up.  Wow, Makynlee's cheeks were very bright and she was listless. She drank her juice, but didn't want anything else. Julia gave her pain reliever but something happened on the dispenser delivery and Julia had no idea how much actually went down her throat. Julia went back to her studies. Makynlee laid on the couch and would fall asleep, wake up, moan, and go back to sleep. 

Then Isla had diarrhea with more rank smells. Ah, the joys of little ones. Julia took over at lunch time, though I noted she kept her computer and notes with her. When I came back down a while later, Julia told me about Isla deciding to change into her swim suit - and have another blow out diaper. Way too fun for Julia - not. 

Isla's cheeks were getting the same ruddy hue as her sister's had been earlier. She has been crankier and cries easily today. It has been so enlightening watching Julia take very good care of her sick girls and yet go back time and time again to get her school work done. I respect and think of her highly for the efforts she has done in both her school work and parental work. 

Bright cheeks giving the warning sign

Amazing what a little pain reliever did for her!

What a trooper Julia is! She studied in her bedroom, the kitchen, and then on the couch with the girls around her. I hope so much that she is successful!

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