
Monday, January 11, 2010

My Fourth Child - DRIVING

There is such an adrenaline rush to teaching another person to drive. It starts with gripping the seat and flinching when cars are just a little close your window. Then as the wheels just go off the pavement on winding Marsh Creek road alongside a 20 foot drop you know your heart is working just fine. Wearing out the carpet under your right foot and watching semi's in the rear view mirror on the freeway - yup I am alive!


Karen Mortensen said...

You are braver than I would be. Thanks for the warning. I will stay out of Concord. LOL

Ludlows said...

Yay for Matt though. I am glad that my first driving experiences were in a big field, but then again maybe I wouldn't dislike driving in crowded places had I learned in Cali. Hope life is grand! Loves

Bonnie said...

LA, wow you are doing well. I can still remember those feeling and just had to say..."Dad will teach you how to drive." Best of luck to you and Matt and fasten your seat belt! He'll get it in no time flat I'm sure!