
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Oh so many blessings!!!

While running around the beach with Oliver and Corina, I would watch for texts and calls from Michael. Julia was in a slow labor all day Saturday and Sunday and finally Sunday night at 3 pm she had contractions close enough together that they went to the hospital. On Monday afternoon she gave birth to a beautiful 10 pound 8 ounce girl that was two inches shy of 2 feet.  Now a few days later all are doing well, though everyone needs a little more sleep.
I am so thankful for the technology that lets me watch this miracle in real time. Instead of getting pictures five or six days later, Facebook and FaceTime let me interact and watch her stretch, look around and notice life.  It is fantastic!
Julia's mom Trina Little sent me this picture along with the information that Michael changed, burped and bubbled Makynlee and put her to sleep.

Beautiful Julia with her firstborn

Michael got to put her in the carseat to take her home from the hospital.

My heart is pretty full of the blessings given to all of us from the Lord.

1 comment:

Ludlows said...

She is beautiful! And, happy anniversary to them as well.