
Monday, October 12, 2020

Faster Answers?

 Michael and I were discussing how answers to prayers seem to come more quickly than in the past. I think he is right as I remember waiting more when I was younger. Michael needed some kind of strong glue for his car key as the tall skinny part (shaft?) keeps falling off the fob. I don't know where my glue gun is - and really would that glue metal together? I think not. So he went out into the garage and started looking around and said a prayer that he could find what he needed. He said he picked up a box at random and right there was an old package of epoxy that indicated on the directions that it could glue metal, plastic, wood etc. He glued up his key at the kitchen table then apologized for breaking open the epoxy as it was so old the first part of it didn't work. It became a one-use job. I told him that was ok, that the package was probably intended just for him. God many times has the answer lined up for us in advance before we think to ask for answers to a problem.

I can't remember what this picture was. It looks like some kind of problem to solve.

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