
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Home Again, Home Again, jiggity jig


Flowers from Kim Kruse

Home recovering from Surgery

This really has been my year. I have had two COVID tests (which never says negative it always says it is not present as this time), and multiple doctor and lab visits and this visit to the hospital should be the end of it all - baring 2 follow up visits.

Interesting thing to note is if you have a surgery where they put a breathing tube down your throat, it is really nice to chew gum afterwards as it seems to do two things. One it helps clear your head a little and two it helps with the cottony dry mouth.

I have been having a tough time with the intimacy issues of feeling exposed to the world so I haven't advertised why I am hobbling around the house and trying desperately not to cough. 

Both surgeons said, "Everything went well." I am starting to understand that means, "fine." When I feel off or good I can say, "I'm fine." One of those universal okay that has a wide range meaning to it.  The surgery could not have gone really well as I have 5 perforated like stitches in a line across my belly when I was told I would have three, the surgeries went hours longer than was expected, and each of my milestone recovery points are hours and days slower than what I was told to look for. But the great news is everything is ok, the Lord is enabling me to get better slowly but surely and His grace is making sure I don't have complications or setbacks. Everything keeps moving along in an orderly course. I just need to do my part and keep walking around the house.

Really, I have NO doctor plans except maybe dental visits for the next five years.

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