
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Mondays are sometimes that way

 Julia called me mid-morning and told me that she had locked her keys in the car. She asked me to bring the spare key to her. No problem, I said. Well.....I couldn't find went to the store to pick her up and bring her home to find it. She happened to be two cities over in Martinez, but that was ok because we have the interstate running over to make the trip just a little shorter. 

Julia successfully found the key immediately (prayers being answered) and jumped back into my car to go back to her car. Just as we were headed down Concord Blvd to get to the freeway, a noise emitted.  Luckily for us, Julia had set an alarm to go pick up Makynlee, which was serendipitous Both of us looked again at my car clock and realized we were an hour later than we had assumed. So.....back home to get a booster seat for Makynlee.

After picking her up from the pre-school, we all drove back over to the Walmart in Martinez. I told Julia I would stay and pick up paper towels. She said she was going to Costco if I wanted to go with her. Yup, we ended up at Costco in two different cars. I had fun running around the store with them.

This moment was not very long. Makynlee and Isla like to walk around instead of riding.

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