
Friday, June 30, 2023

Peter Wilson Conover and the Hunt

 Some kids like to do indoor things and some kids like to run and run and do outdoor things. Because of the frequent rain showers, most of the kids spent a little time indoors. But the minute the clouds moved away and the sun came out the Lodge would empty again and the kids would run around outside.

Susie told the nieces and nephews about our relative Peter Wilson Conover who was instructed by Brigham Young to go get supplies and ammunition from San Francisco as he was a freighter.  He got wind that a Missourian captain was out to steal his ammunition cargo so "those _____ Mormons wouldn't get it." Peter Wilson Conover raced ahead and made arrangements with his friend to pull the ammunition aside from the ship first and put it in a separate warehouse. Sure enough Conover had "help" when they were unloading his shipment and he used the 'free' labor to unload then load up his wagons. Then he pulled a keg of beer out to thank those men for their good work. When they were sufficiently snookered he and his men took off early. They had quite a few adventures on their way but God blessed them to get back to Utah with all of their supplies and ammunition intact.

Treasure Hunt

Susie gave the kids a bag of "money" [mason jar lids] and a six pack of root beer to buy a map of their treasure hunt and root beer to bribe people [family members] along the way to find and solve clues. I wore a California hat and had the first clue -a map -that I charged quite a bit of 'money' to hand over. 

The kids then needed to run around and find places with clues to solve the puzzle of where their treasure was. 

Lots of running and looking for clues - some outdoors, some indoors. Parents made sure no one went down to the water for any clues. Clues were pictures of logs, benches, fireplace, etc. A few clues came from people - they got root beer for their trouble.

Each clue was analyzed and marked out to solve the puzzle

They finally got it!! Then it was off to find the treasure!

The treasure was so secure, it took a dad's pocket knife to get it open.

Other Outdoor Activities

 I heard there was archery but I have no pictures as I didn't go up to the meadow. I think there was a soccer game but it got called due to rain.

Balls and frisbees were a hit with the younger crowd, though the frisbee retrieval from the trees was an ongoing job for the older crowd. The water was a draw and parents nightmare. No one drown. A few "slipped" in and got wet. Rocks were thrown in. Babies were kept far away. 

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