
Sunday, July 7, 2019

I am a missionary again!!

Yesterday afternoon I got back from an amazing week at girls camp - which I'll post more later - so it was a week ago Sunday that I and Jeffrey were sustained in our new callings. On Saturday I had been running around helping Laura with the Merrill wedding preparation, going to a baby shower for Sara Penovich (sorry I can't remember her married name) expected little girl Eloise, finishing up my homework post for school, and packing up for girls camp week. During the baby shower, I got a call from Jeffrey. I thought it odd because he knew what my plans were and what I was doing that day. So for him to call and then leave a small text asking when I'd be home was noteworthy. I left the shower early and found that he had had a surprise visit from the Stake president.

President March had come to our home and asked Jeffrey to be the Branch president of the Cambodian branch and asked that I serve as a Stake missionary in that branch too. Jeffrey explained to me that we would be formally called at the Merrill wedding after we talked and thought it over. We both texted our agreement and later that night officially called to serve in a small office in the Hunt's side yard. President March told us we would be giving our testimonies in Sacrament meeting. I had just a few hours to finish up my preparations for the week, so I asked my Heavenly Father what I should say. The thought was that I had a testimony to give and that all the branch members had a testimony to give me, so in a very short testimony that is basically what I said. After asking Heavenly Father why I was called, he answered that I have a testimony to give to you and you have a testimony to give to me, so I am looking forward to hearing your testimony. Amen

During the meal afterward for the departing full-time missionaries and I think someone going to school or a mission, I realized I knew a lot of the women because I have met them previously at girls camp! What a warm and friendly people. I look forward to being with them and hearing their stories.

1 comment:

Ludlows said...

What an awesome experience. I love that you were told this experience would be mutually beneficial.