
Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Gift or a Bribe?

 On Thursday I spent the day baking banana bread. Dumevi wanted to invite lots of people to the Stake Conference and we thought a little package of banana bread would sweeten the invite.

It took 6 kilos of flour, 24 eggs, 1000+ grams of butter, a large tub of Greek style yogurt, sugar, soda, salt and half a bottle of cinnamon. And lots and lots of bananas.

After the batches were all baked, I packaged them all up to take to individuals and families. I know Juliet will want some and so will the missionaries and Bobby so I froze a few packages for later. Dumevi was weighted down by two very large sacks filled with treats. 

My thought is if someone thinks a little banana bread is worth coming to church, I am all for it.

Lizzy, the gal who made my African style dress, called and said thank-you, so that tells me that Dumevi is doing his best to make all welcome. Win-win.

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