
Friday, December 24, 2021

Love This Time of Year!

The stark difference between this year and last is amazing. Last year we got here and found out how to shop, how to drive, how to get around and then everyone left! We were the only ones on the third floor - looking at each other. 
This year I have more projects going than ever before and I know lots of people. Though families are going out of town to visit with families, we have a wedding to go to and some celebrations coming up. 

This time of year suits my personality as I can 'Do' for different families and people. I can have as many or as few projects as I want. Today I ran some banana bread up to the Luke family and dropped off a game to make and play and made sure that Petra at the front desk had some banana bread to take home to her little boy.

At noon Dumevi picked up the banana bread I had made yesterday for his visits to ward members and friends. Lots and lots of banana bread made!

Another project was my stockings for the 3rd floor. Looking through my pictures I realized I didn't take one picture of that project! Amazing. I sewed up 26 stockings, then hung them on the partition of cubicles then Wednesday night I realized no one would be around on Friday to pick them up. That night I went to the little stationary shack that is beside our garage and told the owner that I needed to fill 26 little stockings. He and I thought of pens, pencils, erasers (he had some shaped like peanuts), little sticky note pads, highlighters, key ring tags, combs, pencil sharpeners, scissors, and glitter. So the glitter was stretching the practical gift, but if you have little girls you are going to love it. In fact I gave all the extra little bottles to Dumevi with some poster board so he could make his daughter a glittering crown. I hope he took heed of my "glitter drifts like dust" warning. But it will probably be everywhere!

Jeffrey took the filled Ziplock bags to work on Thursday morning while I stayed home baking banana bread and finishing up some trousers that needed to be cut out for an order of Dumevi's. Jeffrey said there were only five people on the floor so he gave them a stocking and a ziplock bag. I guess I will have to wait till people get back from their vacations to give them their stockings. 

Other projects include holiday baking with Sister Tagoe and her niece Winifred. Another project was finalizing the Zone/Area Conference to be held on the 12th of January.  So good times all around!

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