Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Dinner with family

 Andrew and Briona were coming back from a visit to her Grandmother on Monday afternoon and invited us to meet them at their Airbnb at 6:30 for dinner. They were going to pick up Rio Cafe dinners for all of us.  Just as Susie and I were starting out we get a text from Rachel asking us to pick her up at the Frontrunner train station as she was going to the dinner too. Nice!

We all met up at Andrew and Briona's place and had wonderful chicken salads and sodas. Susie had prepared ahead of time to play with Amber. She had some toys that were just right for her age. Susie has a granddaughter the same age as Amber. It was so fun to watch the two of them. Susie is animated naturally and Amber was excited to be with her and trying out the new toys. 

Jeffrey arrived later and Andrew had food for him too - makes me wonder if Andrew gave up his meal or something...... We were all richly blessed by being there. 

Rachel wanted a blessing and Andrew said that Jeffrey should give it as he was a substitute if Jeffrey didn't come. That Andrew....he has a way of making things happen while he shifts into the background. But I'm watching and a witness. The blessing was beautiful and then we all went home. 

Jeffrey and I were so tired because of jet lag. The afternoons and evening are very difficult and then we pop up awake at 2 or 4 in the morning. By the time we have adjusted to this time zone, we will be starting to adjust to Ghana time again. But what fun!

Picked up Rachel from the Station

Susie doing it all

Amber shared from her mother and her father

She got loves all around

Amber was all attention and loving the game

Of course Susie was prepared with three or four different games

It was a really wonderful though short night with Andrew, Briona, and Amber. Life is good.

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