Tuesday, October 1, 2024

OGC Sisters

 My first meeting of the day was a luncheon with the Office of General Counsel wives hosted by Elder Dushku's wife Jennifer.  A lady by the name of Carolyn Love made all the arrangements and made sure all the dietary needs of each woman were met. She decorated the room and wheeled in the food and set it up. That is really great service!

I ran into Gayla Allen who had been in the Clayton 1 Ward many years ago with two little boys. She has lived in California, New York, California, Utah - was there one other state? Anyway it was great to find out she had a little girl after she left Concord who was her pride and joy. All her children are married and she has five grandchildren. She will be moving to the Africa South Area in Johannesburg in November. 

Then we met the OGC wife of the Central Africa Area,  Marie (I think it is Stanford).  So all the Africa OGC wives chatted and sat together. It was nice.

Jennifer had each of the sisters tell about their challenges and highlights as some sisters are just beginning their service and some are very experienced. One lady has been with OGC since 2001! She has had a LOT of experience. The challenges were all unique and the blessings sounded much the same -- as in lives were changed and edified and blessed. Some had the blessings given to their children, some to themselves, but all testified of the miraculous blessings given by serving in the church for the Lord.

Africa OGC wives Marie, Linda Ann, and Gayla

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