Friday, October 4, 2024

The Joys of "riding" the animals

 The carousel was not open when we first arrived at the zoo. We had determined to come back later and let Amber have a good ride. She is just short enough that her mother would need to ride with her. I'm not too sure Briona wanted to ride being pregnant. 

It was all a moot point as Amber 'rode' all the animals statues in the park. She loved getting up on the lions, tigers, bears etc. as we walked along. Judging by the smooth finish on those backs, many children have been on and slid down their backs.

I ran into an old friend when I saw the Leo drinking fountain that looks exactly like I remembered drinking from. But, I just knew it couldn't be the same one when I was a child - and I am so far removed from that time to be laughable. 

Here is the quote from Deseret News Sept 7, 2009:

"Remember the lion head drinking fountains? The original lion fountain arrived at Hogle Zoo in the 1950s, has been refurbished a few times and is now found by the penguin pool. There are also two new versions of the fountain in use at the zoo.

Lund said he even has some old photos of himself as a youth with his head inside that lion's mouth."

Pleasures of watching a child at the zoo

 Amber went to the zoo with her parents and I. 

She started out sitting - but that didn't last long

Giving her own ticket

New growth, old growth?

 Just outside of Hogle Zoo, there was a tree which I couldn't decide if it was starting new growth or ending a cycle. It had needles of dark green at the bottom, orange in the middle, and new green on the ends. It is Fall in Utah, so what is with the new growth green?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Transition at Office of General Counsel

 Though Jeffrey is new to being an Area Legal Counsel, the men at the very top are changing. Elder Wickman and Bill Atkin have served for decades and are now stepping down and new men have been called. All the ALC's in the world have met and had discussions for two days. They took a picture so I wanted to post it for a history milestone. 

Someday I'll have Jeffrey make a note of all their names. 

Joy with Amber

 Andrew dropped off Amber to play with me while he and Jeffrey went on a hike up the beautiful and colorful Ogden Canyon. 

What a delight to be with Amber again. She can talk and put ideas together, she is cheerful and happy and we enjoyed our time together.

The binoculars were for "outside" though she played with them quite a bit inside.

Amber told me she had one tiny duck and two other ducks.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

OGC Sisters

 My first meeting of the day was a luncheon with the Office of General Counsel wives hosted by Elder Dushku's wife Jennifer.  A lady by the name of Carolyn Love made all the arrangements and made sure all the dietary needs of each woman were met. She decorated the room and wheeled in the food and set it up. That is really great service!

I ran into Gayla Allen who had been in the Clayton 1 Ward many years ago with two little boys. She has lived in California, New York, California, Utah - was there one other state? Anyway it was great to find out she had a little girl after she left Concord who was her pride and joy. All her children are married and she has five grandchildren. She will be moving to the Africa South Area in Johannesburg in November. 

Then we met the OGC wife of the Central Africa Area,  Marie (I think it is Stanford).  So all the Africa OGC wives chatted and sat together. It was nice.

Jennifer had each of the sisters tell about their challenges and highlights as some sisters are just beginning their service and some are very experienced. One lady has been with OGC since 2001! She has had a LOT of experience. The challenges were all unique and the blessings sounded much the same -- as in lives were changed and edified and blessed. Some had the blessings given to their children, some to themselves, but all testified of the miraculous blessings given by serving in the church for the Lord.

Africa OGC wives Marie, Linda Ann, and Gayla

Around the Block

 So I ran into the front of this building that just begs to be noticed. I had to laugh at all the signs. Especially the "you are here". I am sure there is some very artistic and wonderful message. I found it interesting and fun! Let me know what you think!

Salt Lake Meetings

 Today I have two meetings, one at noon with the OGC wives that will be hosted by Sister Dushku, and another at 4:30 pm that will be an interview with Elder Dushku.  We only have one car, so I came in early with Jeffrey and have been walking around the block, and then the temple grounds, looking at all the construction going on in the temple and temple area. I had no idea that other buildings were being built along with the renovations on the temple and on the Joseph Smith Building. In fact half of the block is in a construction zone. The old tabernacle and the Assembly building look like the only buildings not being renovated or constructed (but who knows what is going on behind the scenes. I wonder what is going to happen next week when all the visitors descend on temple square?!

I've been talking with friends from Ghana on WhatsApp and catching up on the news of what is happening. Luckily and for some wonderful reason, I have wifi - probably from the church. So here I am catching up on blog posts as I wait for my appointment at noon with all the other wives in OGC.

Dinner with family

 Andrew and Briona were coming back from a visit to her Grandmother on Monday afternoon and invited us to meet them at their Airbnb at 6:30 for dinner. They were going to pick up Rio Cafe dinners for all of us.  Just as Susie and I were starting out we get a text from Rachel asking us to pick her up at the Frontrunner train station as she was going to the dinner too. Nice!

We all met up at Andrew and Briona's place and had wonderful chicken salads and sodas. Susie had prepared ahead of time to play with Amber. She had some toys that were just right for her age. Susie has a granddaughter the same age as Amber. It was so fun to watch the two of them. Susie is animated naturally and Amber was excited to be with her and trying out the new toys. 

Jeffrey arrived later and Andrew had food for him too - makes me wonder if Andrew gave up his meal or something...... We were all richly blessed by being there. 

Rachel wanted a blessing and Andrew said that Jeffrey should give it as he was a substitute if Jeffrey didn't come. That Andrew....he has a way of making things happen while he shifts into the background. But I'm watching and a witness. The blessing was beautiful and then we all went home. 

Jeffrey and I were so tired because of jet lag. The afternoons and evening are very difficult and then we pop up awake at 2 or 4 in the morning. By the time we have adjusted to this time zone, we will be starting to adjust to Ghana time again. But what fun!

Picked up Rachel from the Station

Susie doing it all

Amber shared from her mother and her father

She got loves all around

Amber was all attention and loving the game

Of course Susie was prepared with three or four different games

It was a really wonderful though short night with Andrew, Briona, and Amber. Life is good.

Meeting historic man

 On Sunday, Jeffrey and I went to a chapel (the nearest steeple we could find) and went to church in a ward in Ogden. We were told it was going to be the Primary children's program. 

There were five children when the meeting began and another family with four children came about 20 minutes in. Three of the children went up onto the stand. Everyone had a small talk and some of the children spoke 3 or 4 times. The music was wonderful, the children were adorable and engaging. One of the songs about families, the parents of the children came up form the audience and stood behind their child in groups of families across the front in back of the podium like a stage. The song was much more powerful looking at them as family units.

Before the meeting began, a man came up to welcome us. His name is Jim Hoggan. When he was a young man, he helped build the chapel that we were in. He says that he plays Santa every year and his small daughter (now a woman) helps him out as an elf. He was warm welcoming and fun to talk with.