An interesting thing happened this week regarding bananas. I have gone out to the street and bought bananas from a lady in a stand by a bank. I usually pay 25 cedis for a large bunch of bananas. I usually get four bunches, then make however many batches of banana bread I can get out of them.
About a month ago, Comfort found out what I paid and was horrified. She said she could get a much better price. She brought 50 cedis worth which was half again what I'd paid for 100 cedis. I froze some of the loaves as the usual people I made for were taken care of.
Then this week. Comfort came over Friday morning with a laundry basket and another bag full of bananas. She said the Bishop gave her two hundred cedis for the ward devotional on December 1.
I couldn't help contrast the amount with the eight bunches I would have originally bought for 200 cedis. Comfort had a better price, and then when the Bishop asks, she got an even better deal. I wondered if it was because these bananas were dedicated to the Lord's purpose? I notice when the Lord is involved things are better and nicer and go further. There is always a longer life to His blessings than the normal. This week there were more bananas.
I made twelve loaves of banana bread and two batches of school house cookies. I also send material to put on the tables. There are no handy closets with table lines or even utensils in the "kitchen". [The kitchen has a sink and a small countertop....that is it.] But since I have gotten a cold, I didn't go. From all accounts it turned out nicely.
On Monday and Tuesday I will continue making banana bread for the Bishop and his counselors to give to families when they go visit. I still have a counter full of bananas - though the table is clear!
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