Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Times and Days are Changing

 After getting home on Thursday, we had no fresh food in the fridge. I arranged with Eugene to go out shopping at the market and then at the grocery stores to stock up.

Hey! It was a great idea. Going at 9 am instead of 10:30 or 11 makes a big difference in the crowd and transportation on the roads and shopping is much better. I wanted to see if the market was really a good deal or not. Eugene took down all the prices he paid at the market and then we compared them to the grocery store prices. Hands down in the market, the prices and freshness are better.

Some of the streets are still colorful due to the political flags still flying
The haze you notice is not fog.  The Harmattan winds are dropping fine sand (dirt) all over Ghana.

In some cases it was a third cheaper in the market. Some just a bit less. My 20 Cedi cabbage from the market was four times bigger than the 20 Cedi cabbage head in the grocery store.

It is nice to find good deals and better prices. It takes a little more time and searching, so I know why some want to go in one store and walk out with everything they need. But I have so many causes to send money to, that I want to get a good deal where I can. 

Since I'm making a new shopping day, making a new temple day is going to be easy too. Instead of Thursday being out Relief Society day, I will now go to the temple on Thursday and have Tuesday be the Relief Society day. Wednesdays and Thursdays will be temple working days. Tuesdays will be Relief Society concerns, and Friday morning I'll go shopping. We'll have to see if anyone is available to go with me. 

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