
Monday, February 1, 2021

More on Ladies Movie Night

 Sister Hymas sent a quick invitation around for any lady who wanted to come for a movie night at 7 pm. Thursday night I went when I was tired and couldn't see straight. 

We watched "Queen of Katwe", it was great!! After traveling through little towns and villages I saw a lot of what was in the movie. Selling in the streets, motorcycle drivers who will go anywhere, dirt floors, and color, lots of color.  Except for the net throwing in the river - I would really like to witness that. The movie was in South Africa, but so many characteristics of the village are the same in the West. I have not lived through a rainy season here, but could relate to the movie rainy season as I experienced it in the Philippines. A month or two and we'll have rain here.  But watching a girl go from a pawn to a queen was really cool. 

Everyone brought different munchies like popcorn, nuts and someone brought a little chocolate. I brought plantain chips of different colors and sizes. It was nice to get to know the different ladies. Two were wives of the financial wizards who work in the Area Office. The others were various missionaries who work in different departments. All of us go to the Area Office for some work or other.  It looks like the apartment complex is filling up with new missionaries that are returning or coming out for the first time. There seems to be missionaries on each floor. I saw a new welcome to Africa sign on another door this morning. Changes are coming. New friends to meet.

Here is the trailer to the movie. 

Here is the Wikipedia plot line.

First picture taken by Elder Hymas, backwards through his legs - too bad I don't have that shot!

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