
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Good time with long time friend

 On a Saturday morning, my friend Sheryl Peterson came over so I could help her out with her grandson's baptismal quilt. Evidently, the last time (first grandson) turned eight, I was on my mission and our other good friend Pam Hosking, helped her out with that one. But Pam has moved to Idaho, so Sheryl asked for my help. 

Easy peasy I told her. Two pieces of flannel with a thin batt between. Mark out top flannel in diamonds (I use chalk and sometimes pencil), then the whole pinned with safety pins. Next step is to sew down all the markings, sew on bias tape around the border, then hand tack it down and you have a nice quilt. I always wash it before I give it away so the markings are all gone and it is fresh and clean.

Sheryl puts the three pieces together. I helped her out with the markings.
Pinning so there is no slippage during the sewing and rolling process

All done except tacking down the bias tape

I think the marking, stacking, and sewing took about four hours - maybe less. Sheryl took the quilt home and finished the hand sewing or tacking down. She said she had two weeks before she traveled to Washington for the baptism.

I really enjoyed connecting with her again. It has been years since we sat down and had a nice chat. I am finding more and more that doing things together with a purpose or for our children, kept us close together. I was so happy she found a purpose so we could reconnect again. This was a lot of fun for me and hopefully for her too.  Maybe I should look for more connection type of activities to do with my long time friends. 

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