
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day with a Barrister

 On Saturday after Jeffrey's cluster meetings were over, we got to have a tour of the Inns of Court with an English barrister who is a member of the church.   Christian Taylor and his son Daniel came on a train for over an hour (maybe an hour and a half) to meet with us. 150 miles away!

He showed us the place where he got his education by staying with other professionals to learn the ways of the courts and such. It was a little different for me to learn that the solicitors and barristers are different  in England than an attorney or lawyer in America as their duties are divided. If you want to know the differences here is a good link. Only barristers appear before the court. Sometimes dressed in robes and wig, though not as often anymore and it depends on the judge.  Solicitors talk to and aide the clients.

I believe he said there were four Inns of Court where the students take pupilage or training for England and Wales. Scotland has their own law courts.  He studied here at Lincoln's Inn. 

Christian Taylor showed us all around the sites of different places that the law works in England. 

Royal Courts of Justice

Christian Taylor explaining how things work in the Courts and systems, Jay Pimentel ALC in Central Europe, and David Stanford ALC in Africa Central

Joshua Randall ALC over Eastern Europe (started in Russia but all the church has pulled all offices out), Daniel Taylor and his dad.

Jeffrey probably really enjoyed this day as he could relate to some of the things going on. I enjoyed the beautiful day and walking around London.

This is where the solicitors are. The building has the list of solicitors on the outside.

This is a very old and historic building that the Knights Templar stored treasures in. I think he said it had been a church also. I do not know which is the old part and which is "new". 

It is located close to the Middle Temple

We walked through a courtyard and then to the next street which had the Middle Temple Hall (another Inns of Court. 

It was closed for the day, but Brother Taylor took us to the other side of the building to talk to the security at the front desk. They let us in to see where our constitution was hanging on the wall. Daniel noticed how old some of the books were.


Christian Taylor talked to the security - who called back to the security on the other side. He let us in and gave us a tour. This is a place where barrister are "called to the bar" so they can practice law.

Then Dave Stanford, the Taylors, with Jeffrey and I went to lunch. Good day all around.

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