
Monday, May 27, 2024

Transport and Time Zones

 Some days linger and wander by while others whiz past in a matter of minutes when you realize that a few days have passed. Zimbabwe near Victoria Falls is a great place to be - especially in the Elephant Hills Resort. Every accommodation for their visitors is made. There is something fun about being pampered. 

We traveled over to Botswana for a day trip and throughly enjoyed the elephants and safari boat ride and jeep. The trip across a border of Zimbabwe to Botswana was only a little over an hour, checking in at the border was interesting - stand in line, stamp our passport, walk across the border, stand in line, stamp our passport, wipe our feet on something that takes care of hoof and mouth disease, stand in another line for customs (I think they just looked at our passport and entered our name in a computer), then got on another transport for another bit, and we were there - at a resort for the guide on a boat ride. Later a jeep ride.

After a marvelous day of exploring with elephants, hippos, Cape buffalo, giraffes, and lions, we reversed the order of transport and passport stamping, arriving at the resort just after sunset, and fell into our bed, happy and exhausted. 

The next day we took off traveling most of the day, and landed in Ethiopia where we stayed the night in a hotel right in the airport, woke up and walked down to our gate, and five hours later arrived in Ghana. To our total amazement, there was not one line to wait in on the first floor! No forms to fill out, no covid testing, nothing except the hall leading to the stairs which took us to the health screening, passport control and our luggage. Customs was a breeze. I think we waited for our luggage longer than walking through the airport and the three checkpoints. It could not have been more different than the last time we were here! 

Since we keep changing time zones and hotels and countries, I can't tell when I am hungry and when I am sleepy. Some times I wake up many times in the night thinking it's morning. When I'm asked when I want to eat, I'm not sure where I'm at. Since we are staying in one time zone for awhile, I think it will all play out nicely. We will be staying in a hotel for another two weeks until the Burtons move (on Saturday) and the  apartment has been painted and something fixed. 

It is good to be back in Accra.

Hotel at the airport

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