
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The magic of Victoria Falls

 A ranger/guide/guy with a badge told us that people have paid a lot of money to come here to stand in the mist because it is a blessing from heaven. I thought it was a beautiful fun place to visit. I could see how others would feel like it was a spiritual place. In fact a woman at the conference was telling me about the magic she felt when she was there.

Brent Belnap had been earlier and knew what to look for. He and his son had gone in a helicopter before we had arrived in Zimbabwe, so he knew what would come and what he wanted to capture this visit. He took this picture on the first stop. Drinking in the rainbow.

The old name of the falls from the Batonga people is Mosi-oa-Tunya and means, "the smoke that thunders." The falls are 354 ft down and 5,604 ft, about a mile long. Impressive. Sorry the pictures are so little and narrow - unlike the falls.

Notice the fisherman at the top right of the falls near the trees.
Some people's children!

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