
Monday, January 4, 2021

Building a building


Common sight to see unfinished building
All over in Accra are unfinished buildings in the process of being built. It is tricky to own and build any buildings because after the English and others were kicked out there is a strong sentiment of Ghanaian ownership of all land which is further complicated by the fact that tribes and kings own the land that is not government. They lease, rent, or give permission for someone to use their land and negotiate all details. So someone gets some land to build his shop on. Later his use is contested by another person who says he actually owns the land.

Then the whole process is further complicated by the fact a builder has to prove his loan. I was told that a pile of bricks is like a bank. No one will steal your bricks as that is not done. Other things can be ripped off but not someone's bricks that are waiting to be built. A building can take years being built in small stages.

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