
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Road Trip - The Participants

 Driving for two days in three cars/SUVtruck, we got to know each other a lot better. We switched people in different vehicles and since we drove six hours broken up one day and ten hours (two hours to get to Cape Three Points, and then eight hours back home) we got to know some very well.

Rebecca, Nathan, Lorinda, Brent Belnap - organizers of this terrific trip

A few things I have learned and picked up:

Rebecca likes to do hard things - like scale up the cliffside

Nathan has excellent eyesight - he can spot a green bird in a green tree and then look it up in his book

Brent collects rocks - from everywhere he has been in the world

Lorinda is a very cool customer under fire. I do not have a picture as I didn't deem it wise to pull out a camera and start taking pictures when Brent went through a shake-down by the police. About every 10 or 15 Kilometers there would be a "Police Check". They either wave you through or motion you over to the side for some violation or another in the hopes they can get a bribe or send you to the court on Monday. When Brent (and our car) were pulled over, the policeman took Brent's Ghanian license away and said it was 'expired'. Since the expiration date is 2026 that was patently untrue. While Brent is talking to the policeman - actually following him down the street asking for his license back - Lorinda was calling for the number of the judge who is high up in the police force to help out. She was cool, collected and very organized on the phone. The situation helped along by Elder Parry and his congenial attitude had everyone in their cars and on their way in another 20 minutes. Our car didn't get inspected but was wrapped up in the saga with Brent's.

The real interesting part of the story is that about a half hour earlier, Lorinda (who had jumped into the very back of our car a little earlier) realized she had Brent's billfold and called ahead to his car and said she had it and did he want to stop and get it. He reported to the one on the phone that no we were close behind and he didn't need it. About five minutes later, she said, "I think he needs to have his billfold with him." She called and asked them to pull over and let Rebecca out of the car to bring it back to her dad. Which they did. Soooo.....what would have happened if the police found he didn't have a license in his car....? No one knows.  It was evident that Lorinda gives heed to the little promptings that she receives.

Cricket or Michelle Parry and Lyle Parry - they didn't switch to our car so we only got acquainted

I know Elder Parry has a great attitude and friendly personality and Sister Parry has been a camp director and they both like adventures. We'll learn more about them as time goes on.

It is obvious from this photo bomb that Sister Parry has a great sense of humor.

Roger and Kristi Evans - these two keep going no matter how hard it is and will scale any obstacle 

I could show the sweat dripping off Kristi's face as she goes up regardless to the top of the lighthouse - but I like this one

Parents of eight and grandparents of not quiet 50 - James and Laneth Dick are organized, extremely helpful, supportive and kind. Sister Dick rode in the back of the car/truck without a seatbelt and got rattled around on a bumpy, rough ride - all with a happy attitude.

Elder Dick exploring with everyone else

Sherri and Don Despain - He is a professional photographer [one of his shots sold for $34,000!] He is usually taking photos of everything and everyone with two awesome camera and a drone. Sherri is super supportive and is willing to go wherever Don needs to go. Even if it is down on the rocks at the bottom of the beach so Elder Despain can get a great shot.

Have two cameras - will travel

Bringing the drone back in

Going down the cliff to the rocks on the beach

My loving supportive husband Jeffrey Adams who is the one that got us both on this adventure in Ghana!

Life is good and we are loving this country!

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