
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Elephants - Wonderful Elephants!

 I am sure you do not want to see thirty or forty pictures of elephants so I'll just give you the best of our Safari pictures. All of us went on the Saturday Safari and enjoyed it, while Susie and I went on the Sunday morning safari and truly had a great time.

Three brothers, note the heron or egret. I'm told they love to be by the elephants as they stir things up like insects and make the food more plentiful.

In art the trunk down means peace and the trunk up means good luck. You can always win with elephants.

We were about 50 yards away from one of the largest mammals in the world breaking branches and eating leaves as he ambled along. Sometimes fanning his ears.

This is Nash who has been documented, studies, and written about. We were so close I could see his eyelashes - well - in my camera zoom.

Everyone has an armed guard and a guide. Our guide on the right is Emmanuel and I didn't catch the name of our armed guard. Armed Guards act as rangers and policemen in the National Forest

These two went out of their way to make sure we saw and were able to take pictures of elephants. It must be hard to always find what your clients want to see. We passed cars full of bird watchers and those looking at other things. The minute they heard elephant chatter on the walkie talkie or on their phone, off we'd go to see the elephants. The knew their audience and we gave a big tip as their reward.

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