
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Our guests are here!!

 It is a miracle that Susan and Rebekah were able to fly to Accra, Ghana. Their Covid results had not come in because of the long back-log on the day they wanted to fly out. They went early to the airport because Rebekah heard that you could get a rapid test for $250. Trouble came because the test is after the security check, but you cannot bring your luggage through unless you have a negative covid test. Susan watched the luggage - a unwieldy job as extra suitcases were coming for Levi Little's eagle project - while Rebekah went through and got her test. Then Rebekah went back to watch the luggage while Susan went through. Trouble again showed up when both tests were "inconclusive" and had to be retested. Meanwhile time is ticking by and there are strict time procedures to get on a flight. Susie sent Beka through with luggage while she waited for her results because Beka's flight was first to leave. Susie had to pay more as her time ran out - but all the negative tests came through, so Susie literally ran to get on a flight that was already boarding. She had to run in Detroit to another flight that was boarding too. Rebekah was waiting in New York and hoping Susan would arrive in time for the Accra  because it was boarding before Susan showed up. 

They arrived in Accra! We were all together. My heart is full. Rebekah and Susan brought lots of different items in their luggage from different people who needed glasses brought to a missionary, vitamins and sewing items not found easily here and other little packages that are sent when someone finds out someone is coming. This is the best way to get packages to and from the US for a small cost.

Susie had lots of little packages to give out. She was like Mrs. Claus.

The Whitakers have access to an apartment that was empty and said it was okay for the two to stay a few days before a couple came on the Tuesday after they flew out. Hugs all around!! So nice to have family here and "see" and experience what a bit of Africa is, so I know someone understands when I talk about life here.

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