
Sunday, January 2, 2022

I Had So Much Fun This Year

 The holidays are crazy fun around here. The Woodbury's went to the zoo and saw a parade of men dressed something like clowns. Some were on stills and they all had a big parade. 

You can count on big, colorful, and vibrant for just about everything here.

Lizzy made me a white skirt to go with my white blouse because I found out that ladies wear white in the New Year to celebrate that fact that we start over, that the new year will be different from the old. 

Oh well, you can't see the skirt but it is great with any blouse I have.

The really fun day- when Dumevi brought over baking supplies from Sister Tagoe on Friday. She requested that I make 2 batches of banana bread, 2 batches of brownies, and lots of cookies (I made 2 batches, one chocolate and one peanut butter).

An elf brought so many wonderful ingredients from Sister Tagoe! A whole counters worth:)

A happy man that make everyone smile around him.

There were at least three types of bananas Dumevi brought over. I wonder how many kinds there are in Africa? I didn't taste the bread so I don't know if it makes a difference or not. It looked the same.

Packing up cookies, brownies and banana bread so it won't crumble on the way.

Just a few supplies left! Lots of fun!!

Sorry about the fuzz, my camera didn't like to go from cold to hot. Brother Tagoe came personally with Dumevi to help carry all the supplies and goodies home. Later he brought LOTS of things over to the New Year's Eve party. 

Dumevi and Brother Tagoe bringing the goodies to the party

Jeffrey and I went over to the New Year's Eve party but didn't stay for all the dancing, music and fireworks. Our apartment was surrounded by fireworks, but the biggest display was a little ways away and huge and beautiful in the sky.

Life is good!

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