
Friday, April 8, 2022

Leave it on the altar

 It has been raining and dark outside and it is very hard to tell what time it is as it looks like it is after 5 just before the sun goes down, but I'm sure it is only early afternoon now. I have been listening to Exodus while I am making brownies and cookies for a YSA activity tomorrow and figuring out how to cut out some trousers that will look quilted as I use some remaining scraps. Dumevi would like to get 1000 pieces cut out and I have 61 so far.

Listening to the sacrifices that are required from the people in Moses' day and how each is delivered and used, had my mind wandering to something Jeffrey told me about. He mentioned the story of Gideon who met a man of God and went to effort to present a kid (baby goat) as an offering. The man of God touched the altar with his rod or staff and the whole thing went up in smoke. Jeffrey was explaining out sometimes we offer our time, talent, efforts and sometimes it all seems to just go up in smoke. We ask ourselves if it is worth all the time and effort put into this project. Maybe it is not about where the project actually ends up but if the effort is accepted by God as an offering to Him.

If your efforts seem to be going into thin air - Is your offering being accepted by God?

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